domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


Hi everybody I am going to put here the expresions and vocabulary that we learnt in class:

1º TO TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS: Means to deal with a difficult situation in a brave and firm way.

2º TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE: Means that when two eople work together they are more likely to solve a problem than one person doing it alone.

3º TO KEEP YOUR HEAD ABOVE THE WATER: Means you are just managing to survive despite not having much (things).

4º IT IS AS EASY AS PIE: If something is very easy.

5º PIE EYED: Drunk.

6º TO HAVE A FINGER IN MANY PIES: It means you are involved in lots of different activities.

7º A BAD EGG: In English if we want to say someone is bad or dishonest we can call him/her a bad egg.

8º DON´T PULL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET: You should never rely on only one plan in case it goes wrong.

9º HE GOT EGG ON HIIS FACE: If someone make a mistake wich makes him/her look stupid we can say this expression.

10º BREAKING POINT: Is the point when a problem starts.

11º DROPPED (WEIGHT): Lose weight.

12º PURGING: Make yourself vomit.

13º COMPULSIVELY: Do something without thinking about its effects.

14º FULL OF BEANS: Full of energy.

15º I HAVEN´T GOT A BEAN: I haven´t got money.

16º SPILL THE BEANS: Say it.

17º IT´S A HOT POTATO: A special theme.

18º THEY ARE LIKE TWO PEAS IN A POD: They look alike.

19º IT´S NOT MY CUP OF TEA: When it isn´t mine theme and I am not involved.

20º HE´S GONE BANANAS: If someone behave in a crazy way.

21º IT´S A CASE OF SOUR GRAPES: If somebody pretends not to be impressed by something because she/he feels jealous.

22º A SECOND BITE OF THE CHERRY: Means that you have a second opurtunity if you fail the first.

23º CHAIRPERSON: The person that control the debate.

24º ADJUDICATORS: The people that says who win the debate.

25º TIME-KEEPER: The person that control the time.

26º SPEAKER: The person that speak in ich team.

27º THERE ARE PLENTY MORE FISHES IN THE SEA: It means that there are more girls to get in love.

28º THE ICING IN THE CAKE: It is used to refer to something good wich is added to an already good thing or situation.

29º IT´S JUST NOT CRICKECT: When something is unfair.

30º A TOY BOY: In a relantionship if the boy is the youngest.

31º LIKE A TON OF BRICKS: When something is very heavy we use this.

32º TO FLY THE NEST: Means to leave your parent´s home for the first time to go and live somewhere else.

33º A NEST EGG: Is an amount of money you have save in the future.

34º I WASN´T BORN YESTERDAY: If someone is telling you a very obvious lie you can use this expressions.

35º TO HAVE A WHALE OF A TIME: Means to have a lot of while doing something.

36º SIZE OF A WHALE: It´s an impolite way of saying that a person is overweight.

37º GE(genetically engineered),GM(genetically modified) and GMO(genetically modified organism): Is a kind of food that was changed in a laboratory by chemistry.

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