lunes, 9 de junio de 2014


Cereals: Grasses grown for the edible components of the grain.

Mortgage: A loan to finance the purchase of private residencial or commercial property.

Speculation: Investment in stocks but wtih the risk of lost.

Crop: A cultivate plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.

Agricultural landscape: A landscape transformed to cultive crop and rear livestock.

Cultural heritage:  The things, places and practise that define who we are as individuals, as communities, as nations or cultures.

Domestic tourism: The tourists don´t leave their country.

Large-scale tourism: Travel of a long period and distance from your country.

Tour operators: Companies that helps you economicly with your large-scale travel.
High-speed rail: A rail build for high-speed trains.

Peak season: Time in which the people normally go out, this time is in summer.

Off-peak season: The rest of the year, the people go less on holidays this time.

Recession:  A business cycle contraction; a general slowdown in economic activity.


Freight: Goods or produce transported by ship, aircraft, train, lorry or van.

Capital flows: The movement of goods or money

Exports: Goods that are sold outside of the country.

Imports: Goods that a country buy from other country

Balance of trade: The difference between the money of imports and exports.

Balance of payments: Is the record of all monetary transactiones between a country and the rest of the world.

Retail: Type of trade that sells directly to the consumer.

Wholesale Trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of good and sell them to another company.

Trade bloc: Area of countries with a special trade regulations.

Transport network: The connections that facilitate the transport of good and people.

Market: The meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services.

Infrastructure:  The basic structure we need to make an economy function.

Trade: The buying and selling of goods.

Bartering: The exchange of goods between two or more countries.

Tourism: A sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leasure or business purposes.

Information society: Society where the information technology is envolved in the economy.

Public services: Services that are free for the consumers and they are paid by the state.

Private services: Services sold by a business, separated from the state, it isn´t free.