domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


Here is the work for you juanlu see you at class.


The letuce was mixed with other kind of vegetables until de ancient romans. Every part of the world had mixed this kind of food with product of each country. In Europe and in Eastern countries are ancient recipes. In fact, the word derives from the Latin word salad salt. The salads were part of the diet of the Greeks, who added all kinds of spices, nuts, cheese and honey. During the seventeenth and eighteenth century French and Italian chefs into fashion this culinary practice across Europe. The raw leaves of different types of lettuce are usually based more on salads. This vegetable is already known to the Egyptians, who mixed it with salt and oil, was appreciated by the Greeks and Romans. "hierba salata" was to, one of the names of this kind of food 

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


Hi everybody I am going to put here the expresions and vocabulary that we learnt in class:

1º TO TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS: Means to deal with a difficult situation in a brave and firm way.

2º TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE: Means that when two eople work together they are more likely to solve a problem than one person doing it alone.

3º TO KEEP YOUR HEAD ABOVE THE WATER: Means you are just managing to survive despite not having much (things).

4º IT IS AS EASY AS PIE: If something is very easy.

5º PIE EYED: Drunk.

6º TO HAVE A FINGER IN MANY PIES: It means you are involved in lots of different activities.

7º A BAD EGG: In English if we want to say someone is bad or dishonest we can call him/her a bad egg.

8º DON´T PULL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET: You should never rely on only one plan in case it goes wrong.

9º HE GOT EGG ON HIIS FACE: If someone make a mistake wich makes him/her look stupid we can say this expression.

10º BREAKING POINT: Is the point when a problem starts.

11º DROPPED (WEIGHT): Lose weight.

12º PURGING: Make yourself vomit.

13º COMPULSIVELY: Do something without thinking about its effects.

14º FULL OF BEANS: Full of energy.

15º I HAVEN´T GOT A BEAN: I haven´t got money.

16º SPILL THE BEANS: Say it.

17º IT´S A HOT POTATO: A special theme.

18º THEY ARE LIKE TWO PEAS IN A POD: They look alike.

19º IT´S NOT MY CUP OF TEA: When it isn´t mine theme and I am not involved.

20º HE´S GONE BANANAS: If someone behave in a crazy way.

21º IT´S A CASE OF SOUR GRAPES: If somebody pretends not to be impressed by something because she/he feels jealous.

22º A SECOND BITE OF THE CHERRY: Means that you have a second opurtunity if you fail the first.

23º CHAIRPERSON: The person that control the debate.

24º ADJUDICATORS: The people that says who win the debate.

25º TIME-KEEPER: The person that control the time.

26º SPEAKER: The person that speak in ich team.

27º THERE ARE PLENTY MORE FISHES IN THE SEA: It means that there are more girls to get in love.

28º THE ICING IN THE CAKE: It is used to refer to something good wich is added to an already good thing or situation.

29º IT´S JUST NOT CRICKECT: When something is unfair.

30º A TOY BOY: In a relantionship if the boy is the youngest.

31º LIKE A TON OF BRICKS: When something is very heavy we use this.

32º TO FLY THE NEST: Means to leave your parent´s home for the first time to go and live somewhere else.

33º A NEST EGG: Is an amount of money you have save in the future.

34º I WASN´T BORN YESTERDAY: If someone is telling you a very obvious lie you can use this expressions.

35º TO HAVE A WHALE OF A TIME: Means to have a lot of while doing something.

36º SIZE OF A WHALE: It´s an impolite way of saying that a person is overweight.

37º GE(genetically engineered),GM(genetically modified) and GMO(genetically modified organism): Is a kind of food that was changed in a laboratory by chemistry.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013


Hi Ascen welcome to my blog you have to give us instructions to use the blog because we are new in this type of things. See you tomorow at class.BFN.